As a business owner, how well will you finish this financial year, being 31 March 2021? 

I totally understand the challenges 2020 has created for most companies and that managing directors had to navigate people and financial situations like never before.

Planning for 2021 and beyond, what does your business need from you most and why? Remember, having controls in place always provides significant value for business growth and success.

Some points to consider at this moment in time,

  • Do you have SOP’s (standard operating procedures in place that allows for consistency and measurable results in all the right seats?
  • With your people, do you have effective reviews in place that allows for career aspirations and links in with your business plans?
  • How clean is your balance sheet with stock, assets and do you have good working capital?
  • Does your procing function need review?
  • What about you’re cost/profit centers, have you reviewed your suppliers/contractors and alliance partner rates?
  • Loose agreements, since the last thing you need is distraction (minimize your risk).
  • As a business owner, what specifically must your time be focused on?????

The list goes on, however it best to think from a place of what to stop, keep and start doing in order to achieve your goals.

Our intention is to review your current and future goals with you and your team, then together working through the key objectives and be clear on implementing for measured results. Since we are here to help decision makers get in control of their business growth and success.

Let us make it even easier – 

As a Regional Business Partner, we can help you apply for the 50% capability funding towards a registered coaching program.

Simply email or call Jerome on 021796016 

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