Having never run my own business and given the stats on small businesses surviving, when I first launched Cain Built Ltd., I wanted to learn quickly what not to do, to have the best shot at success. To get things off the ground and in the right direction, I needed a mentor.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find Jerome straight away – it took a little time to see through the smoke and mirrors of other coaches who promised the world at sign up, then gave very little support as time went on.
Since teaming up with Jerome in early 2018, I have gained a solid business coach (and friend) who provides unwavering moral support and expert advice, helps me work through decisions wisely and opens my thinking up to look outside the box.
Jerome really listens and understands the nature of my business and my team. He also recognises that outside factors in life, such as family, have a role to play in the overall picture of how we operate and our future goals. Jerome has an incredible network of people at his fingertips and real-world experience to draw from and use to gauge how we’re tracking comparatively in the industry (which at times is the boost I really need to keep going).
Together we have implemented new software, re-defined roles and tidied up processes to increase efficiency and buy me back some of my time (and sanity). Jerome has helped me focus the vision for Cain Built and put the wheels in motion towards achieving this. I have truly grown as a business owner with Jerome’s support, and I would hand on heart recommend him to anyone needing some guidance – Jerome is not only awesome on the business front, but he is genuine, real and down to earth – someone you definitely want in your corner.