Here are top 10 sales innovation trends you need to know about now to stay ahead of your competitors …
1. Customer relationship management systems must have a human touch to be fully effective or they will turn customers off – we still need human interaction to build trust

2. Data warehouses and data mining will be essential to creating the Real-Time Enterprise to access information and identify key customer opportunities – analysis of the data will be vital to ensure our message hits the right market
3. Understanding who the highest profile customers are and who are the least profitable should guide the sales process – invest the time and attention to those that will buy again and again rather than the tyre kickers
4. Sales Knowledge Management: Getting the right information to the right people at the right time so they can make the right buying decision–will be mission-critical to sales – avoid buyers remorse by supplying relevant information promptly to ensure an informed buying decision
5. Business Intelligence, about competitors, markets, and customers will enable business to strategically plan better, identify new opportunities and change fast – keep an eye on what is happening around you to ensure you keep ahead

6. Wireless access to remote product knowledge on-demand will differentiate sales people who need to “get back to you tomorrow” – move with the times, we want information at our fingertips so have an information rich website and electronic resources

If you would like to know the remaining 4 Sales Innovation Trends – contact the Rise Team today on 0800 747 323 then watch this interesting presentation where experts share some of their thoughts on sales trends

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