Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.
Leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders.

A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership cannot be taught, although it may be learned and enhanced through coaching or mentoring. Someone with great leadership skills today is Bill Gates who, despite early failures, with continued passion and innovation has driven Microsoft and the software industry to success.

As the business owner you are the leader in your business and a whole lot more – Contact the Rise Team today for a complimentary 90 minute review of your leadership effectiveness today 0800 747 323

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