We have just finished the 2015 financial business year and I am sure as a business owner you have asked yourself “what is my business worth?” (it’s true value)
There are many factors that influence this value calculation based on your current business model …
1. Business owner taking only drawings with team / contractors
2. Business owner employed and paid by your business and then taking dividends along the way
Other factors that will determine value …
1. How well you have positioned your business in your industry
2. How well you have systemized the core functions
3. The uniqueness of your team skill base and business services
4. Long term contracts that may be in place for your business within growth areas
5. Most important, what happens when you NOT around in your business
How to Calculate your Value …
Here is an interesting article from entrepreneur.com on how to value a business
Give us a call 0800 747 323 and ask us to review your current plans to increase your business value and make things happen this financial year