Every year we have 4 seasons – winter / spring / summer / autumn. What can your business do to increase sales with the change of the seasons?
Some business owners we meet have products that sell really well in some seasons and not others so their business goes through a boom then bust cycle that is not very comfortable for the business owner or its workers. The magic with this situation is there is likely to be untapped potential for an alternative product line in the other seasons that can utilise the same machines and workers with a small investment in skill training.
A classic example of this was with a marine upholstery business that boomed in winter months when boats were out of the water but went very quiet in the summer when the boaties were enjoying their time on the water. The proactive business owner looked around and noticed people were wanting shade cover in the summer months and she had the machines, suppliers and skill sets to custom make them. This created a complimentary product line for the business that kept the income coming all year round and gave her workers variety with an opportunity to use their skills in a new way.
Let us make it even easier
There are times when we need an outside perspective of our business to help identify the untapped opportunities within your business.  Give Jerome a call today for a complimentary free chat and you will be surprised at what is already well within your grasp. Phone 0800 747 323

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