Selling should be based on emotion, entertainment and education

Provide educational in-house demonstrations of how to wear product, how to produce food, what wines to have with various foods, convert a travel agency into an exotic island look by placing some palm trees and some sand and having the staff dressed in non-conventional outfits

Consider wearing special uniforms at various times of the year – Easter – Christmas – and at other times – Change the appearance of your store, so as to make it entertaining and fun

Make it an emotional experience to go shopping at your business and don’t worry about being different! It is all about differentiating your business from that of your competitors

One way of finding out what your customers are experiencing, is to shop at your own business.  Invite a friend or hire a
company to purchase from your company and get them to report on their
findings of customer service, knowledge and friendliness
Compare their experience to what you believe you are offering – You might be surprised with what they actually experience!!

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