Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are tools that are used to help people analyse their business’ performance on a regular basis.
It would be a good idea for your business to select the key performance indicators that relate to your business (through budgets and previous financial results) and then have the key performance indicators calculated daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually as required. This would enable the actual key performance indicators to be compared back to budget estimates to give management an indication of how the business is performing.
Here are some key performance indicators that would apply to most businesses:
Gross profit percentage
Labour to turnover percentage
Key expenses such as rent – to sales expressed as a percentage
Conversion rate (actual sales to prospects entering the store)
Average sale
Average sale per customer
Sales per square metre
Productive time %
Break Even & profit added
Write Off/On % (professional firms)
Debtors’ days outstanding
Stock on hand – number of days sales
Stock turnover
Creditors’ days outstanding
Shrinkage percentage (retail stores)
Net profit on sales %
Individual department sales to total sales
Let us know if you would like to discuss Key Performance Indicators and how they might help your business.