We all have stories (or have heard stories) where staff turn up to work, do their work then go home day in, day out with no innovation or enthusiasm for change. We all know stories where efforts from management for change seem to fall on deaf ears because ‘this is the way we have always done it so why do it differently?’

In business the word “engagement” needs to be the key focus for growing talent internally and the intention is and will always be around nurturing and retaining your key talent. Have a read of this article on Forbes.com

Fundamentals that are very true today for companies include being able to understand their key team members natural abilities and levels of resistance for change. When management understands these abilities and resistance levels they can evaluate this against the businesses strategic objectives. To negotiate a match and most importantly a true FIT in teaching / learning styles positive growth within the key roles will be achieved.

Engagement … Companies have to spark interest in this collaboration within their business to drive strategy and thus create stronger human connections and engaged relationships.

So how does your company measure engagement within the key roles in your company? Contact the Rise Team today for the top 5 strategies that really work

Download your FREE copy of the Rise Advisory Key Objectives Framework worksheet.

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