Coming up to Christmas I have found myself completely run of my feet with clients wanting to know how to maintain a high standard of review in their small to medium sized businesses when they don’t have a Board of Directors.
More so, what are the key performance indicators and standards that they should reflect on.

Working with such a wide variety of clients over the years, I have identified some common themes that enable small and medium sized business to focus their often limited time and energies on for massive returns –

  • Leadership and General Management
  • Business Development, Marketing, Sales and Production Management
  • Administration and Financial Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • General Duties and Responsibilities

Recently, it’s become more apparent business owners have the discipline to maintain a high standard of ‘Managing Director’ review in their small to medium sized businesses when they don’t have a Board of Directors – when leaders get better then everyone wins. It is an amazing way to recognise your strengths and enable you to train/hire your team in alignment with your company’s vision, purpose and core values.

Let us make this easy for you … Rise will work alongside you to stop and review to develop deeper levels of understanding and implementation of these key points so call Jerome today 0800 747 323.

Download your FREE copy of the Rise Advisory Key Objectives Framework worksheet.

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