This month is all about Standards & Norms, what are standards in a business and what becomes a norm (this can be a downward spiral) for most organisations because of unwritten ground rules that have become bad habits.


So, let’s look at some aspects that impacts businesses and their brands

  • Communication standards: being able to respond to inbound calls/emails in a recommended time frame, and having a voice and service that is professional might make all difference based on your industry and customer expectations.
  • Dress/Vehicle/Assets: how does your brand presents itself, or has this become an area of neglect that impacts company value and margin.
  • Personal Versus Business: is there a mirror in how this is demonstrated through core values and performance standards.
  • What do you have in place that manages delivery, quality and safety in a consistent way?
  • Organisational Standards: HR has become a significant part of most businesses from induction all the way to exit interviews.

These are just a few areas to review and the best way to allow standards to become the norm is by positioning them well and then playing game by the written rules that everyone in the organisation takes pride in, starting with ownership/leadership.

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