Life changes at the most unexpected moments… what if something happened today that meant you have to sell your business – would you be able to sell it tomorrow? Would you be able to sell it for what it is really worth?

Life throws us curve balls so we need to be ready to catch them. There will come a time you will sell your business, it could be to a stranger, it could be to a family member but there will be a time you will part ways so it is important to have your business ready to get a fair price for all of your invested time, energy, money …

So here some key points to have in place to have your business ready for sale (for a fair price):

  1. Have a great team (both internally and externally) that support your company plans and can operate without you having to be present every day
  2. Establish rock solid contracts with branded value that do not rely on you as the owner of the business
  3. Create an upside for future owners by leaving untapped potential in the business with an opportunity for long term growth
  4. Ensure your business systems are streamlined and documented for efficiency and productivity
  5. Get your balance sheet in order and make sure the financials are timely and in good health

Value your business NOW

Do not wait for the curve ball – be ready and make sure your business is ready.  If you find todays value below what you would want to sell your business for then you have something to work with to strategically build the value you desire

Contact Jerome and he will help you establish a value for your business and give you ideas on how to strategically grow that value – 0800 747 323


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